So I got up one Sunday morning & my Zippy fella was hankering for Huevos Rancheros after having them for brunch in Dillinger's Restaurant one Sunday so, I looked in the cupboards & thought to myself, I can do that...
- So I sweated a half diced, half sliced onion, added a few cloves of finely chopped garlic.
- Chucked in some sliced leek & spring onions, 1/2 tin chopped tomatoes, then left it to simmer for 10mins.
- Then in went a finely diced whole chilli (seeds removed), fresh corriander & sage, roasted peppers, sundried tomatoes, & sliced chorizo.
- Finally handful of fresh basil, then I made space & cracked in my 4 eggs in & added a pinch of chilli seeds in the yolks & pepper, let cook carefully, maybe put the lid on for a bit of a steam.
5. Serve 2 portions on a multi-seed pitta (healthiest) or tortilla with diced avocado on top.
Umbulé umbulé Rascal's Rainbow Rancheros at the ready! :D
These look very yum...